Our News

Have you considered a gift of appreciated stock to benefit Missouri State University?

These charitable stock plans may help achieve your goals if you are looking for ways to avoid income or estate tax.

Current Stock Gift
By transferring your appreciated stock to us today, you can enjoy the benefits of tax savings on this year?s return. In addition to your charitable deduction, you will avoid paying capital gains tax that would otherwise be due on the sale of your appreciated investment.

Stock Bequest
If you are still enjoying the benefits of holding your appreciated stock but looking for a way to avoid estate tax in the future, a stock bequest is a good choice. In your will or trust you may wish to include instructions for transferring your stock to us. Your estate will benefit from a charitable deduction that will lessen the impact of taxes on your estate and your heirs.

Would you like to learn more? Request a brochure on gifts of stock by clicking here.
